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Class diagram

Official Mermaid documentation: Class diagram.


All Mermaid diagrams can be configured, by passing a MermaidConfig object to any of the methods in the Mermaid class. Read more on Mermaid configuration.

Simple class diagram

The following code sample shows how to create a simple Mermaid class diagram.

Use the ClassDiagram method of the Mermaid class to create a class diagram.

Add classes with the AddClass method, and add properties and methods with the AddProperty and AddMethod methods.

Add relationships with the AddRelationship method.

Generate the diagram mermaid code with the Build method.

var diagram = Mermaid
    .AddClass("Animal", out var animal)
    .AddClass("Dog", out var dog)
    .AddProperty(animal, "int", "Age")
    .AddMethod(animal, null, "Breathe")
    .AddMethod(animal, "Energy", "Eat", parameters: 
        ("Food", "food")
    .AddMethod(dog, "Sound", "Bark", parameters: 
        ("int", "times"),
        ("int", "volume")
    .AddRelationship(animal, dog, RelationshipType.Inheritance, label: "A dog is an animal")

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

    class Animal {
        +int Age
        +Eat(Food food) Energy
    class Dog {
        +Bark(int times, int volume) Sound
    Animal <|-- Dog : A dog is an animal

That renders as:

    class Animal {
        +int Age
        +Eat(Food food) Energy
    class Dog {
        +Bark(int times, int volume) Sound
    Animal <|-- Dog : A dog is an animal

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The title of the class diagram can be set by passing a title parameter to the ClassDiagram method.


var diagram = Mermaid
    .ClassDiagram("My Title")
    .AddClass("Animal", out var animal)

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

title: My Title
    class Animal

That renders as:

title: My Title
    class Animal

Class label

Whitespaces and special characters are not allowed in class names. To set a label for a class, pass a label parameter to the AddClass method.


var diagram = Mermaid
    .AddClass("c1", out var c1, "Hello World!")
    .AddClass("c2", out var c2, "Hello World!")
    .AddProperty(c1, "int", "Age")
    .AddMethod(c1, null, "Breathe")

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

    class c1["Hello World!"] {
        +int Age
    class c2["Hello World!"]

That renders as:

    class c1["Hello World!"] {
        +int Age
    class c2["Hello World!"]

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Class annotation

To add an annotation to a class, pass an annotation parameter to the AddClass method.


var diagram = Mermaid
    .AddClass("c1", out var c1, annotation: "foo")
    .AddClass("c2", out var c2, annotation: "bar")
    .AddProperty(c1, "int", "Age")
    .AddMethod(c1, null, "Breathe")

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

    class c1 {
        +int Age
    class c2 {

That renders as:

    class c1 {
        +int Age
    class c2 {

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Class properties

To add properties to a class, use the AddProperty method.


var diagram = Mermaid
    .AddClass("Animal", out var animal)
    .AddProperty(animal, "int", "Age")

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

    class Animal {
        +int Age

That renders as:

    class Animal {
        +int Age

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Class methods

To add methods to a class, use the AddMethod method. Metods can optionally have visibility and parameters.


var diagram = Mermaid
    .AddClass("Animal", out var animal)
    .AddClass("Dog", out var dog)
    .AddProperty(animal, "int", "Age")
    .AddMethod(animal, null, "Breathe")
    .AddMethod(animal, "void", "Eat", Visibilities.Public | Visibilities.Abstract,
        ("Food", "food")
    .AddMethod(dog, "Sound", "Bark", parameters: [
        ("int", "times"),
        ("int", "volume")
    .AddRelationship(animal, dog, RelationshipType.Inheritance, label: "A dog is an animal")

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

    class Animal {
        +int Age
        +Eat(Food food)* void
    class Dog {
        +Bark(int times, int volume) Sound
    Animal <|-- Dog : A dog is an animal

That renders as:

    class Animal {
        +int Age
        +Eat(Food food)* void
    class Dog {
        +Bark(int times, int volume) Sound
    Animal <|-- Dog : A dog is an animal

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To add a relationship between two classes, use the AddRelationship method. A relationship can be one or two way, where each side can be of the following types:

  • Inheritance
  • Composition
  • Aggregation
  • Association
  • Unspecified

Single-way example:

var diagram = Mermaid
    .AddClass("c1", out var c1)
    .AddClass("c2", out var c2)
    .AddRelationship(c1, c2, RelationshipType.Inheritance)

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

    c1 <|-- c2

That renders as:

    c1 <|-- c2

Two-way example:

var diagram = Mermaid
    .AddClass("c1", out var c1)
    .AddClass("c2", out var c2)
    .AddRelationship(c1, c2, RelationshipType.Inheritance, toRelationshipType: RelationshipType.Composition)

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

    c1 <|--* c2

That renders as:

    c1 <|--* c2

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Relationship cardinalities

To add cardinalities to a relationship, pass fromCardinality and/or toCardinality parameters to the AddRelationship method.


var diagram = Mermaid
    .AddClass("c1", out var c1)
    .AddClass("c2", out var c2)
    .AddClass("c3", out var c3)
    .AddClass("c4", out var c4)
    .AddRelationship(c1, c2, RelationshipType.Inheritance, fromCardinality: Cardinality.One)
    .AddRelationship(c3, c4, RelationshipType.Inheritance, toCardinality: Cardinality.Range("a", "b"))

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

    c1 "1" <|-- c2
    c3 <|--"a..b"  c4

That renders as:

    c1 "1" <|-- c2
    c3 <|--"a..b"  c4

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To set the style of the link between classes, pass a linkStyle parameter to the AddRelationship method.

It can be one of the following values:

  • Solid (default)
  • Dashed


var diagram = Mermaid
    .AddClass("c1", out var c1)
    .AddClass("c2", out var c2)
    .AddClass("c3", out var c3)
    .AddClass("c4", out var c4)
    .AddRelationship(c1, c2, RelationshipType.Inheritance, linkStyle: LinkStyle.Solid)
    .AddRelationship(c3, c4, RelationshipType.Inheritance, linkStyle: LinkStyle.Dashed)

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

    c1 <|-- c2
    c3 <|.. c4

That renders as:

    c1 <|-- c2
    c3 <|.. c4

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Classes can be defined in a namespace. Use the AddNamespace method to add a namespace to the diagram, and define classes within it with the lambda method.


var diagram = Mermaid
    .AddClass("c1", out var c1)
    .AddClass("c2", out var c2)
    .AddNamespace("ns1", builder => builder
        .AddClass("c3", out var c3)
        .AddClass("c4", out var c4)
        .AddRelationship(c3, c4, RelationshipType.Inheritance))
    .AddClass("c5", out var c5)
    .AddNamespace("ns2", builder => builder
        .AddClass("c6", out var c6)
        .AddClass("c7", out var c7)
        .AddRelationship(c6, c7, RelationshipType.Inheritance)
        .AddRelationship(c1, c7, RelationshipType.Inheritance))

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

    class c2
    namespace ns1 {
        class c3
        class c4
    class c5
    namespace ns2 {
        class c6
        class c7
    c3 <|-- c4
    c6 <|-- c7
    c1 <|-- c7

That renders as:

    class c2
    namespace ns1 {
        class c3
        class c4
    class c5
    namespace ns2 {
        class c6
        class c7
    c3 <|-- c4
    c6 <|-- c7
    c1 <|-- c7

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The direction of the class diagram can be set by passing a direction parameter to the ClassDiagram method.

It can be one of the following values:

  • TopToBottom
  • BottomToTop
  • LeftToRight
  • RightToLeft


var diagram = Mermaid
    .ClassDiagram("Bottom to Top", ClassDiagramDirection.BottomToTop)
    .AddClass("c1", out var d2c1)
    .AddClass("c2", out var d2c2)
    .AddRelationship(d2c1, d2c2, RelationshipType.Inheritance)

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

title: Bottom to Top
    direction BT
    c1 <|-- c2

That renders as:

title: Bottom to Top
    direction BT
    c1 <|-- c2

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Classes can have an hyperlink or a javascript callback attached to them, by either using the AddHyperlink or AddCallback methods.


var diagram = Mermaid
    .AddClass("c1", out var c1)
    .AddClass("c2", out var c2)
    .AddClass("c3", out var c3)
    .AddClass("c4", out var c4)
    .AddCallback(c1, "callback")
    .AddCallback(c2, "callback", "tooltip")
    .AddHyperlink(c3, "")
    .AddHyperlink(c4, "", "tooltip")
    .AddRelationship(c1, c2, RelationshipType.Inheritance)
    .AddRelationship(c3, c4, RelationshipType.Inheritance)

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

    c1 <|-- c2
    c3 <|-- c4
    click c1 call callback()
    click c2 call callback() "tooltip"
    click c3 href ""
    click c4 href "" "tooltip"

That renders as:

    c1 <|-- c2
    c3 <|-- c4
    click c1 call callback()
    click c2 call callback() "tooltip"
    click c3 href ""
    click c4 href "" "tooltip"

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Notes can be added to the diagram, eihter generally or to a specific class, by using the AddNote method.


var diagram = Mermaid
    .AddClass("c1", out var c1)
    .AddNote("General note")
    .AddNote("Specific note", c1)

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

    note "General note"
    note for c1 "Specific note"
    class c1

That renders as:

    note "General note"
    note for c1 "Specific note"
    class c1

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Custom styling

Classes can be styled by using the StyleWithRawCss method, when using raw CSS, or the StyleWithCssClass method, when using a CSS class. CSS classes can be applied to multiple classes at once.


var diagram = Mermaid
    .AddClass("c1", out var c1)
    .AddClass("c2", out var c2)
    .AddClass("c3", out var c3)
    .StyleWithRawCss(c1, "fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px")
    .StyleWithCssClass("styleClass", c2, c3)

The code above generates the following Mermaid code:

    class c1
    class c2
    class c3
    style c1 fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
    cssClass "c2,c3" styleClass

That renders as:

    class c1
    class c2
    class c3
    style c1 fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
    cssClass "c2,c3" styleClass

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