Sequence Diagram
Official Mermaid documentation: Sequence Diagram.
All Mermaid diagrams can be configured, by passing a MermaidConfig
object to any of the methods in the Mermaid
class. Read more on Mermaid configuration.
Simple diagram
The following code sample shows how to create a simple Mermaid sequence diagram.
Use the SequenceDiagram
property of the Mermaid
class to create a sequence diagram.
Add participants with the AddParticipant
method, and send messages with the SendMessage
Generate the diagram mermaid code with the Build
.AddParticipant("Alice", out var a)
.AddParticipant("Bob", out var b)
.SendMessage(a, b, $"Hello {b.Name}!")
.SendMessage(b, a, $"Hello {a.Name}!")
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice->>Bob: Hello Bob!
Bob->>Alice: Hello Alice!
That renders as:
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice->>Bob: Hello Bob!
Bob->>Alice: Hello Alice!
Autonumbering can be enabled (it is disabled by default) by setting the autonumber
argument of the SequenceDiagram
method to true
string diagram = Mermaid
.SequenceDiagram(autonumber: true)
.AddMember("Alice", MemberType.Participant, out var m1)
.AddMember("Bob", MemberType.Participant, out var m2)
.SendMessage(m1, m2, $"Hello {m2.Name}!")
.SendMessage(m2, m1, $"Hello {m1.Name}!")
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
That renders as:
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
Arrow and line types
Different arrow and line types can be used.
Use the arrowType
and lineType
optional parameters in the SendMessage
Arrow types (table):
Arrow type | Mermaid code | Description |
None | > |
No arrow |
Filled | >> |
Filled arrow head |
Open | ) |
Open arrow head |
Cross | x |
Cross |
Line types (table):
Line type | Mermaid code | Description |
Solid | - |
Solid line |
Dotted | -- |
Dotted line |
string diagram = Mermaid
.AddParticipant("Alice", out var a)
.AddParticipant("Bob", out var b)
.SendMessage(a, b, $"Hello {b.Name}!", lineType: LineType.Dotted, arrowType: ArrowType.Open)
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice--)Bob: Hello Bob!
That renders as:
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice--)Bob: Hello Bob!
Member types
Members can be of type Participant
or Actor
Either use the AddMember
method with the right MemberType
argument, or use the shortcut methods AddParticipant
and AddActor
string diagram = Mermaid
.AddMember("Alice", MemberType.Participant, out var a)
.AddMember("Bob", MemberType.Actor, out var b)
.AddParticipant("Charlie", out var c)
.AddActor("David", out var d)
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Alice
actor Bob
participant Charlie
actor David
That renders as:
participant Alice
actor Bob
participant Charlie
actor David
Member links
Members can be linked to URLs.
Use the AddLink
method as many times as needed to add links to members.
string diagram = Mermaid
.AddMember("Alice", MemberType.Participant, out var a)
.AddMember("Bob", MemberType.Participant, out var b)
.AddLink(a, "Dashboard", "")
.AddLink(a, "Wiki", "")
.AddLink(b, "Dashboard", "")
.AddLink(b, "Wiki", "")
.SendMessage(a, b, $"Hello {b.Name}!")
.SendMessage(b, a, $"Hello {a.Name}!")
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Alice
participant Bob
link Alice: Dashboard @
link Alice: Wiki @
link Bob: Dashboard @
link Bob: Wiki @
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
That renders as:
participant Alice
participant Bob
link Alice: Dashboard @
link Alice: Wiki @
link Bob: Dashboard @
link Bob: Wiki @
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
NB: links should show up on a lenu when clicking on the member name. It may not render correctly in some markdown viewers like GitHub.
Member creation and destruction
Members can be created and destroyed, using create and destroy messages.
Use the SendCreateMessage
and SendDestroyMessage
string diagram = Mermaid
.AddParticipant("Alice", out var a)
.AddParticipant("Bob", out var b)
.SendMessage(a, b, $"Hello {b.Name}, how are you?")
.SendMessage(b, a, "Fine, thank you. And you?")
.SendCreateMessage(a, "Carl", MemberType.Participant, out var c, "Hi Carl!")
.SendCreateMessage(c, "Donald", MemberType.Actor, out _, "Hi!")
.SendDestroyMessage(a, c, DestructionTarget.Recipient, "We are too many", arrowType: ArrowType.Cross)
.SendDestroyMessage(b, a, DestructionTarget.Sender, "I agree")
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
Bob ->> Alice: Fine, thank you. And you?
create participant Carl
Alice ->> Carl: Hi Carl!
create actor Donald
Carl ->> Donald: Hi!
destroy Carl
Alice -x Carl: We are too many
destroy Bob
Bob ->> Alice: I agree
That renders as:
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
Bob ->> Alice: Fine, thank you. And you?
create participant Carl
Alice ->> Carl: Hi Carl!
create actor Donald
Carl ->> Donald: Hi!
destroy Carl
Alice -x Carl: We are too many
destroy Bob
Bob ->> Alice: I agree
Members can be grouped in boxes.
Use the AddBox
method to create a box, and the AddParticipant
method with the box as argument to add a member to the box.
string diagram = Mermaid
.AddBox("Box1", out var box1, Color.Aquamarine)
.AddBox("Box2", out var box2, Color.FromArgb(70, 55, 56, 57))
.AddBox("Box3", out var box3)
.AddParticipant("Alice", out var a, box1)
.AddParticipant("Bob", out var b, box1)
.AddParticipant("Charlie", out var c, box2)
.AddParticipant("David", out var d, box3)
.AddParticipant("Eve", out var e)
.SendMessage(a, b, $"Hello {b.Name}!")
.SendMessage(b, c, $"Hello {c.Name}!")
.SendMessage(c, d, $"Hello {d.Name}!")
.SendMessage(d, e, $"Hello {e.Name}!")
.SendMessage(e, a, $"Hello {a.Name}!")
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
box Aquamarine Box1
participant Alice
participant Bob
box rgba(55, 56, 57, 0.27) Box2
participant Charlie
box Transparent Box3
participant David
participant Eve
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
Bob ->> Charlie: Hello Charlie!
Charlie ->> David: Hello David!
David ->> Eve: Hello Eve!
Eve ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
That renders as:
box Aquamarine Box1
participant Alice
participant Bob
box rgba(55, 56, 57, 0.27) Box2
participant Charlie
box Transparent Box3
participant David
participant Eve
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
Bob ->> Charlie: Hello Charlie!
Charlie ->> David: Hello David!
David ->> Eve: Hello Eve!
Eve ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
Activation and deactivation
Members can be activated and deactivated.
Use the optional activationType
parameter in the SendMessage
string diagram = Mermaid
.AddParticipant("Alice", out var a)
.AddParticipant("John", out var j)
.SendMessage(a, j, "Hello John, how are you?", activationType: ActivationType.Activate)
.SendMessage(a, j, "John, can you hear me?", activationType: ActivationType.Activate)
.SendMessage(j, a, "Hi Alice, I can hear you!", activationType: ActivationType.Deactivate)
.SendMessage(j, a, "I feel great!", activationType: ActivationType.Deactivate)
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Alice
participant John
Alice ->>+ John: Hello John, how are you?
Alice ->>+ John: John, can you hear me?
John ->>- Alice: Hi Alice, I can hear you!
John ->>- Alice: I feel great!
That renders as:
participant Alice
participant John
Alice ->>+ John: Hello John, how are you?
Alice ->>+ John: John, can you hear me?
John ->>- Alice: Hi Alice, I can hear you!
John ->>- Alice: I feel great!
Notes can be added to the diagram, either right or left of a member, or over two members:
Use the AddNoteRightOf
, AddNoteLeftOf
and AddNoteOver
string diagram = Mermaid
.AddParticipant("Alice", out var a)
.AddParticipant("Bob", out var b)
.AddParticipant("Charlie", out var c)
.AddNoteOver(a, b, "This is a note")
.AddNoteRightOf(c, "This is another note")
.SendMessage(a, b, $"Hello {b.Name}!")
.AddNoteOver(a, c, "This is a note")
.SendMessage(b, c, $"Hello {c.Name}!")
.AddNoteLeftOf(b, "This is another note")
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Alice
participant Bob
participant Charlie
note over Alice, Bob: This is a note
note right of Charlie: This is another note
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
note over Alice, Charlie: This is a note
Bob ->> Charlie: Hello Charlie!
note left of Bob: This is another note
That renders as:
participant Alice
participant Bob
participant Charlie
note over Alice, Bob: This is a note
note right of Charlie: This is another note
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
note over Alice, Charlie: This is a note
Bob ->> Charlie: Hello Charlie!
note left of Bob: This is another note
Loops can be added to the diagram.
Use the AddLoop
method to create a loop, and add any kind of diagram elements inside the loop using the builder from the lambda expression.
string diagram = Mermaid
.AddParticipant("Alice", out var a)
.AddParticipant("Bob", out var b)
.SendMessage(a, b, "Hello Bob!")
.AddLoop("Every minute", builder => builder
.SendMessage(b, a, "Hello Alice!")
.SendMessage(b, a, "Can you hear me?"))
.SendMessage(a, b, "Yes, I can hear you!")
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
loop Every minute
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
Bob ->> Alice: Can you hear me?
Alice ->> Bob: Yes, I can hear you!
That renders as:
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
loop Every minute
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
Bob ->> Alice: Can you hear me?
Alice ->> Bob: Yes, I can hear you!
Alternative paths
Alternative paths can be added to the diagram.
Use the Alternatives
method to create alternative paths, and add any number of alternative paths. Each alternative path consists of a title and a lambda expression with the builder to add any kind of diagram elements inside the it.
string diagram = Mermaid
.AddParticipant("Alice", out var a)
.AddParticipant("Bob", out var b)
.SendMessage(a, b, "Hello Bob!")
("Bob is happy", builder => builder
.SendMessage(b, a, "Hello Alice!")
.SendMessage(b, a, "Can you hear me?")
("Alice is happy", builder => builder
.SendMessage(a, b, "Yes, I can hear you!")),
("Alice is sad", builder => builder
.SendMessage(a, b, "No, I can't hear you!")))),
("Bob is sad", builder => builder
.SendMessage(b, a, "Hello Alice.")
("Alice is happy", builder => builder
.SendMessage(a, b, "Sorry to hear that.")),
("Alice is sad", builder => builder
.SendMessage(a, b, "Me too.")))))
.SendMessage(a, b, "Bye")
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
alt Bob is happy
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
Bob ->> Alice: Can you hear me?
alt Alice is happy
Alice ->> Bob: Yes, I can hear you!
else Alice is sad
Alice ->> Bob: No, I can't hear you!
else Bob is sad
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice.
alt Alice is happy
Alice ->> Bob: Sorry to hear that.
else Alice is sad
Alice ->> Bob: Me too.
Alice ->> Bob: Bye
That renders as:
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
alt Bob is happy
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
Bob ->> Alice: Can you hear me?
alt Alice is happy
Alice ->> Bob: Yes, I can hear you!
else Alice is sad
Alice ->> Bob: No, I can't hear you!
else Bob is sad
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice.
alt Alice is happy
Alice ->> Bob: Sorry to hear that.
else Alice is sad
Alice ->> Bob: Me too.
Alice ->> Bob: Bye
Parallel actions
Parallel actions can be added to the diagram.
Use the Parallels
method to create parallel actions, and add any number of parallel actions. Each parallel action consists of a title and a lambda expression with the builder to add any kind of diagram elements inside the it.
string diagram = Mermaid
.AddParticipant("Alice", out var a)
.AddParticipant("Bob", out var b)
.AddParticipant("Charlie", out var c)
.AddParticipant("David", out var d)
.AddParticipant("Eve", out var e)
("Alice to Bob", builder => builder
.SendMessage(a, b, "Hello Bob!")
.SendMessage(b, a, "Hello Alice!")),
("Eve to David", builder => builder
.SendMessage(e, d, "Hello David!")
.SendMessage(d, e, "Hello Eve!")),
("Bob to Eve", builder => builder
.SendMessage(b, e, "Hello Eve!")
.SendMessage(e, b, "Hello Bob!")),
("Alice to Charlie", builder => builder
.SendMessage(a, c, "Hello Charlie!")
.SendMessage(c, a, "Hello Alice!")
("Charlie to Bob", builder => builder
.SendMessage(c, b, "Talked to Alice")),
("Charlie to Eve", builder => builder
.SendMessage(c, e, "Talked to Alice")))))
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Alice
participant Bob
participant Charlie
participant David
participant Eve
par Alice to Bob
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
and Eve to David
Eve ->> David: Hello David!
David ->> Eve: Hello Eve!
and Bob to Eve
Bob ->> Eve: Hello Eve!
Eve ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
and Alice to Charlie
Alice ->> Charlie: Hello Charlie!
Charlie ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
par Charlie to Bob
Charlie ->> Bob: Talked to Alice
and Charlie to Eve
Charlie ->> Eve: Talked to Alice
That renders as:
participant Alice
participant Bob
participant Charlie
participant David
participant Eve
par Alice to Bob
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
and Eve to David
Eve ->> David: Hello David!
David ->> Eve: Hello Eve!
and Bob to Eve
Bob ->> Eve: Hello Eve!
Eve ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
and Alice to Charlie
Alice ->> Charlie: Hello Charlie!
Charlie ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
par Charlie to Bob
Charlie ->> Bob: Talked to Alice
and Charlie to Eve
Charlie ->> Eve: Talked to Alice
Critical regions
Critical regions can be added to the diagram.
Use the Critical
method to create a critical region, containing any number of diagram elements, and zero to many optional regions, also containing any number of diagram elements. Each region consists of a title and a lambda expression with the builder to add any kind of diagram elements inside the it.
string diagram = Mermaid
.AddParticipant("Service", out var s)
.AddParticipant("DB 1", out var db1)
.AddParticipant("DB 2", out var db2)
.Critical("Connect to DB1", builder => builder
.SendMessage(s, db1, "Connect", LineType.Dotted, ArrowType.None)
.Critical("Connect to DB2", builder => builder
.SendMessage(s, db2, "Connect", LineType.Dotted, ArrowType.None),
("Network error", builder => builder
.SendMessage(s, db1, "Disconnect", LineType.Dotted, ArrowType.Cross)
.SendMessage(s, s, "Log error", LineType.Dotted, ArrowType.None)),
("Network timeout", builder => builder
.SendMessage(s, db1, "Disconnect", LineType.Dotted, ArrowType.Cross)
.SendMessage(s, s, "Log timeout", LineType.Dotted, ArrowType.None))),
("Network error", builder => builder
.SendMessage(s, s, "Log error", LineType.Dotted, ArrowType.None)),
("Network timeout", builder => builder
.SendMessage(s, s, "Log timeout", LineType.Dotted, ArrowType.None)))
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Service
participant DB 1
participant DB 2
critical Connect to DB1
Service --> DB 1: Connect
critical Connect to DB2
Service --> DB 2: Connect
option Network error
Service --x DB 1: Disconnect
Service --> Service: Log error
option Network timeout
Service --x DB 1: Disconnect
Service --> Service: Log timeout
option Network error
Service --> Service: Log error
option Network timeout
Service --> Service: Log timeout
That renders as:
participant Service
participant DB 1
participant DB 2
critical Connect to DB1
Service --> DB 1: Connect
critical Connect to DB2
Service --> DB 2: Connect
option Network error
Service --x DB 1: Disconnect
Service --> Service: Log error
option Network timeout
Service --x DB 1: Disconnect
Service --> Service: Log timeout
option Network error
Service --> Service: Log error
option Network timeout
Service --> Service: Log timeout
Breaks can be added to the diagram.
Use the AddBreak
method to create a break, and add any kind of diagram elements inside the break using the builder from the lambda expression.
string diagram = Mermaid
.AddParticipant("Alice", out var a)
.AddParticipant("Bob", out var b)
.SendMessage(a, b, "Hello!")
.Break("Something happens", builder => builder
.SendMessage(a, b, "Bye!"))
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice ->> Bob: Hello!
break Something happens
Alice ->> Bob: Bye!
That renders as:
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice ->> Bob: Hello!
break Something happens
Alice ->> Bob: Bye!
Rectangles can be added to the diagram.
Use the AddRectangle
method to create a rectangle, and add any kind of diagram elements inside the rectangle using the builder from the lambda expression.
string diagram = Mermaid
.AddParticipant("Alice", out var a)
.AddParticipant("Bob", out var b)
.AddRectangle(Color.AliceBlue, builder => builder
.SendMessage(a, b, "Hello Bob!")
.SendMessage(b, a, "Hello Alice!"))
.AddRectangle(Color.DarkSeaGreen, builder => builder
.SendMessage(a, b, "Can you hear me?")
.SendMessage(b, a, "Yes, I can hear you."))
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Alice
participant Bob
rect AliceBlue
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
rect DarkSeaGreen
Alice ->> Bob: Can you hear me?
Bob ->> Alice: Yes, I can hear you.
That renders as:
participant Alice
participant Bob
rect AliceBlue
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
rect DarkSeaGreen
Alice ->> Bob: Can you hear me?
Bob ->> Alice: Yes, I can hear you.
Comments can be added. They are not rendered in the diagram, but can be used to add information to the code.
Use the AddComment
string diagram = Mermaid
.AddParticipant("Alice", out var a)
.AddParticipant("Bob", out var b)
.Comment("Alice is greeting Bob")
.SendMessage(a, b, "Hello Bob!")
.Comment("Bob is greeting Alice")
.SendMessage(b, a, "Hello Alice!")
The code above generates the following Mermaid code:
participant Alice
participant Bob
%% Alice is greeting Bob
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
%% Bob is greeting Alice
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice!
That renders as:
participant Alice
participant Bob
%% Alice is greeting Bob
Alice ->> Bob: Hello Bob!
%% Bob is greeting Alice
Bob ->> Alice: Hello Alice!